You Can Easily Tweak Your Send To Options

We have all found the Right Click “Send To” options handy, but what if you would like to customize your “Send To” Options. You are in luck this can be done very easily.Before you customize the send to list, first you need to create shortcuts to the folder locations Hot PC Tips - SEND TOyou your like added to your “Send To” option list. We will assume you all know that by now you all know how to create shortcuts.

Once you have your shortcuts created, simply open Windows Explorer and type in shell:sendto” as shown at right and press “Enter“. Explorer will open a list of the shortcuts currently in your “Send To” list.

To remove unwanted “Send To” shortcuts simply delete them from this folder.  To Add additional shortcuts Send To options; just drag and drop in the shortcuts to the folders you want to add to the tool.

Customize your “Send To” list and then use it – It will improve your productivity!